Natural Herbal Selections to get a Massive Buttocks

 All women nowadays would rather possess a spectacular as well as captivating butt and here you will find a number of booty herbs that can help with growing your glute muscles. A large number of buttocks products consist of natural herbs which assist with butt growth. Instead of purchasing these products (and overpaying) you can incorporate these herbs into your diet.

All of these herbal plants literally contain estrogen, a hormone which allocates the fat to your butt region.

Here's a list of a few herbs that will help you get a bubble butt.


Fenugreek possesses a wide selection of health rewards for females. Taking Fenugreek will results in bigger hips, thighs and a booty. Previously these “side effects” were viewed as a negative but most women these days find this to be a positive. Fenugreek is undoubtedly recognized for its abundance of Phytoestrogens which happen to be responsible for governing the hormone production. Its contents contain diosgenin which is actually a major ingredient that improves levels of estrogen within our body and system; this causes a more substantial as well as rounder bum.


Fennel is sort quite similar to Fenugreek. This specific supplement is a section of the Phytoestrogen gene and thus any time its consumed on a regular basis, your current levels of estrogen are going to be elevated producing a more prominent rear end and not to mention chest. These types of Fennel seeds taste better when prepared as a Tea.

Dong Quai

This particular natural herb alone wouldn’t develop your gluteus but will certainly improve the impact of the herbs that are beneficial to your butt by regulating your hormone levels. Click Here for more on how to get a bigger butt.

The How to Get a Bigger Butt Guide: Part 1 - The Introduction

If you want a bigger butt, you obviously have to work for it, unless you have the money to do some surgical enhancement procedures. Who would want to spend thousands for something that you can get for free — and naturally at that? So stop wishing and start doing. Here are some tips in getting that bigger, rounder, and firmer butt you have always wanted.


You may be too lazy to do this but exercise is the safest way to get that shapelier and bigger butt you have been dreaming of. The problem with exercise is that most are doing it the wrong way — doing too much, doing the wrong type of exercises, or doing the correct ones BUT the wrong way. Here are the top 3 butt exercise that will surely deliver.

Hip Lifts

1. Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your heels below your knees.

2. Lift your hips as high as you can, squeezing your butt.

3. Lower it.

4. Repeat for 1 minute.

Squat Jumps

1. Stand with one foot in front of the other in a lunge position.

2. Jump as high as you can and switch legs.

3. Land softly in the opposite lunge position and repeat on the other side.

4. Repeat for 30 seconds.


1. Start in a lunge position.

2. Lower your body as low as you can so your back knee is just above the floor.

3. Bring yourself up just halfway, then bring yourself down to the lowest position you can possibly do.

4. Continue to pulse up and down, switching your legs halfway through.

5. Repeat for 1 minute.

Do three sets of each exercise and you are on your way to a bigger butt.


 Fat and muscle are two basic factors in getting that bigger butt. There are plenty of creative ways in fueling up to get that bigger butt. Protein is one of the essentials that every woman needs to get a bigger butt. Protein is dominantly present in eggs, fish, lean meats, and soya nuts. You will also need carbohydrates for energy which you can get from brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole-grain bread and sweet potatoes. Fat is also needed. Contrary to popular belief, fat does not make you fat — excess calories does. Healthy fat sources include fish fat, almonds, extra virgin olive oil, and peanut butter. Vegetables are essential for your growing butt and the good thing is you can eat as much without feeling the guilt. You can consume spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli. Proper nutrition is important in one’s everyday life — not only for your booty but for the whole body as well.

 Remember, after doing your get-bigger-butt exercises, try eating the healthy food listed above so you can boost your bigger butt project. Exercise and nutrition will have to work hand in hand for you to get the results you want. If you are really determined to get that bigger butt, replace bad habits with better ones and bring in some discipline as well. Getting that nice booty is not that easy, but if you take it one step at a time, eventually you will achieve it. Here are some more big butt tips.